Wednesday, 25 September 2013

The Colors News Machine - Jonathan Chomko

 Computer Arts- Design Matters
October 2013, Issue #219

At first glance, the Colors News Machine appears to be a sculpture, or piece of artwork that incorporates varying media equipment designed to process and relay information to the public. However, not only is it very captivating to look at but it has also been designed as a functional machine to mirrior the spread of gossip and portray how news is distorted, changed and censored before it reaches the eyes of the public.

The machine itself is an interactive installation, which processes a tweet, throughout a series of media equipment to create a 'Chinese whispers' effect. The overall work focuses much more on the concepts behind it than the visual appeal and revolves around the theme of processing information and the mistakes that happen along the way.

There is much debate about whether the piece can actually be classed as a piece of 'artwork' more than a mechanical invention. However, it shows the direction that art is beginning to take in a world reliant on the processing and transferral of information. Interactivity is becoming a big part of 'art' and the success of the piece is that the viewer themselves can see an input that they have created, become distorted into something different in front of their eyes.

Watch the machine in action:

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